* Hamma *

Darius Phoon
9th Nov 1996
Springfield Secondary School
Murdoch University
Centre Manager and Operations Executive

* Heke *

Krmping Sunflower Seeds
Krmping Sunflower Seeds
Krmping Sunflower Seeds

* Hamgoof *

Baddaing away from Cats
Baddaing away from Cats
Baddaing away from Cats

* Oopaa *

Got My Cursor @ 123Cursors.com
Wanna have a coffee and catch up?


My god, it's been a long time. Young Darius had no idea what was coming to him. It's the year 2023 now, a good 13 years since my last post, it is now Monday, the 19th of June. Let's catch everyone up, shall we?

Let's begin with 2010, it was a wild year for Darius. Sometime around October, he was cast as the male lead for a school musical! Kiddo was ecstatic, and really poured his heart and soul into his rehearsals and performance. All in all, it was a great time and he was clearly talented with stage work. Alas, it was not something he pursued. He ended the year by choosing his specialization subjects and opted for the pure science option that his school offered: Physics and Chemistry. This was also the year that he struck a bargain with his dad, qualifying for his opted specialization subjects and he would be rewarded with the new Xbox 360 Kinect. Let's just say, he's still proud of the day he marathoned 24 hours playing that thing during the school holidays. 

2011 was quite uneventful compared to 2010. Unfortunately, the fame got to him and he lost his way for a while but which teenager really knew who they were back then? He eventually "woke up" and straightened out his behavior again. There was one event that occurred that was exciting, his school's participation in that year's National Day Parade! He was a "pixel" in a human LED screen. Pretty exciting stuff!

2012, the year of Darius' 'O' level examinations. Poor chap didn't study hard enough but I must admit, his results? NOT TOO SHABBY. Proudly achieving an A2 in English and an A1 in E-math. Gotta say, well done! Definitely not amazing by any measurement but he's pretty happy with it. Naturally, this meant it was time to choose his next path: JC or Poly. 

2013, he stood nervously on the steps of Temasek Polytechnic, wondering whether he made the right choice. Coincidentally, this was also the year that he moved in with his grandmother, Nai Nai as her home was directly across the street from his new educational institute. Just as regular students suffer, so too did Darius suffer from fitting in. Winning an Xbox from a Dance Central competition in his second month of matriculation was not exactly the best way to do so. Well, at least he got a second Xbox, which he sold!

2014 came along and Darius joined his course committee as a Chief Liaison Officer! It's just a fancy term for a town crier. He was now responsible for disseminating official information about events and decisions made by the committee. 

2015 was quite the year for the young man. His results were not doing very well, achieving a 3.57 GPA that went downhill from there was not something a committee member was expected to do. Fortunately, Darius had the sense to start taking charge of his own learning and decided not to rerun for his course committee for a second year. It did not exactly save his results but it did stop going down! This was also the year where he went for an internship and of course, the young fool applied to fly as a cabin crew for Scoot Airlines where he was instantly rejected for god knows what reason. Devastated, he looked for other options and decided that if he could not choose the route of glamour, he will tread on the path of money. Choosing the highest paying role, Darius applied to be an airline representative for Cathay Pacific Airways (he suspects that his ability to speak Cantonese helped give him the edge)! It was a great 6 months learning from his mentor, Helene who had a great and wealthy amount of experience. While going through his internship Darius was also getting busy and started dating an old secondary school friend...

2016 was Darius' final year at Temasek Poly. After completing his internship and major project (achieving an A), Darius now had to choose a specialization again: Airline and Airport Operations or Aeronautical Science. Considering his application for AMS was fueled by his desire to be a pilot, the aeronautical science route was the choice to be made. He did choose to do so and he did fairly decently. It was quite uneventful but he eventually graduated! Congratulations Darius! This was a long year for Darius with three milestones, graduation, earning his driver's license, and enlistment. Not long after receiving his Diploma, Darius received his letter for conscription. Oct 4th was his enlistment date, unfortunately, this was 2 days before his first anniversary with his dearly beloved. But they promised one another that their love would endure.

2017 was a blurry year, Darius completed his Basic Military Training and was chosen to continue into the Officer Cadet School! In the first week of OCS, they would extend invitations to all cadets to sign on and Darius very graciously did so. Unfortunately, so did a great many people and eventually, only a hand full of people had their contracts passed, Darius was not one of them. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise but salty, he remained. This feeling eventually passed as his commissioning date arrived! Chosen to be the contingent commander of his contingent, he wielded his sword with pride and led his contingent through the parade.

2018 was the year of ORD! It was also the year Darius started to panic and worry about University. Facing rejection after rejection by local universities, Darius wondered if he should even be wasting time with it. His girlfriend's encouragement led him to eventually enroll in Murdoch University at Kaplan! 

2019 began Darius' journey through his final education phase. As a partner to a part-time student, Darius ensured to remain as supportive and encouraging as he could to his girlfriend as well. A truly uneventful year but blessedly so.

2020 was the final year of his University life. Truthfully, he could have gotten much better results if he was not so hooked up on Magic the Gathering but he eventually graduated with his double degree! Tragedy struck as COVID was introduced to the world. In one fell swoop, one degree was rendered useless, and with the economy in shambles, so too was his second degree. But one thing remained his rock, his ever-supportive partner-in-crime. 

2021, Darius' first-time job hunting as a fully grown human with maxed-out stats. The world was his oyster, and he was the grain of sand waiting to be polished. After months of applications and interviews, Darius eventually received his first offer in May! To be a Focus Adventure Facilitator. This role meant leading team-building activities and programs, a role he was extremely comfortable with! Excited to begin, an additional plus point being that his office was in the center of Sentosa. Alas, the excitement was short-lived as he started dedicating weekends to running Kayaking programs out at sea which meant that he was required to leave home at 5am just to get to work and return home only at 3pm. Deciding that this was not a part of his job description, Darius gave up on this role 2 months after. Shortly after, his sister informed him that her tuition company was looking for a person to manage and run the Tampines branch. Skeptical, he accepted the role and agreed with himself that he was only going to stay for a year and move on.

2022 went by in a blur, settling into his new company and impressing his bosses, a promotion was on the horizon for him if he agrees to stay until Jan 2023. Uncertain but afraid, Darius stayed and achieved his promotion and pay raise

2023, was the best year of Darius' life. He had been employed for a little over a year and was doing well. It was time and Darius finally popped the question to the best friend he ever had. The month is June, and Darius is now an engaged man.

Crazy summary huh? Lots of details were missed of course, but how's that for a quick recap? Until next time!

P.S. he did not do well in that Water Venture competition but KHR is still awesome but the anime was never completed. 

3:16 PM

How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is.
Well that greeting came from the new anime series i'm watching. Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR). It's awesome and i'm sure those who watch it agree with me. Objects in the show are actually being sold, i want one!!! Persuading my sister to buy me one because she's 18 and have money *Kaching!*, but i want the Vongola Sky Ring, with a capital 'V' for that. I EXTREMELY!! want her to get it for me, but my buddies say that they intend to buy the Millefiore set for me instead for my birthday if they don't i'll bite them to death. However my hope is to get the Tri-ni-set, sorry guys for me talking about all this even though some of you might not get it.
Ok, enough about KHR. End-Of-Year is coming and i haven't started revising. Alright fine i have started but not much. So let's just put exams aside to talk about. I'm sure you want to know how my drama is getting along right? Well it's coming along fabulously, i learned the opening dance and mastered it whatsmore i have been chosen to emcee for assembly next week to publicitise it. Awesome!!! More good news is that i'm joining my first rock climbing competition on the 23rd of october at pasir ris park water venture. Feels good to be me! :) Kidding!
Well i guess i'll end here.
Ciao Ciao
Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is at your elbow; make yourself good while life and power are still yours.
I Love You

9:25 PM


"Striving to better, oft we mar what's well" - William Shake spear
Well it's been so long since my last post but who cares anyway, who bothers reading. So.....You know, nothing much is happening in my life. Actually quite frankly, there has been quite a bit happening to me now that i think about it. I have become an emcee with professional training and i emceed for one event already and about to for another one on the 6th of August for national day celebrations in my school. Also my face appeared in the national day parade magazine representing my school and channel newsasia wants to interview me too.....! :) One more thing, i have been officially selected to be in a musical in my school's drama production and as the male lead.
That's all that happened to me, so how have you few readers been? Has life been treating you fairly? Not like i need to know, but if you want to answer you know where to put it --> in the tagboard.
"Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent." - William Shakespear

8:25 PM


Well today's not really an official post.
This is just to tell you guys that i'm making another blog.
As you should know, this blog is for Hamtaro,
so my other blog will be for Pokemon.

Hope i won't take too long,

11:21 PM

I hate to see the one i love happy with someone
but i surely hate it more to see the one i love unhappy with me
Well here i am again. I just came back, 2 hours ago from seeing a friend off. She's going to australia to continue studying. Or at least i think so, did i mention that she spoke cantonese? Finally somebody who could do that, i mean apart from the other two who know cantonese but not as good as me. Just kidding.....so it was sad but people will have to leave you someday one way or another.
So today is my school's e-learning day that's how i found the time to go see my friend off. After a long while i managed to finish everything. Also did i say that i was selected to be one of my class representatives for an algebra competition? Of course i didn't, i haven't posted for who knows how long. So i'm still practicing, hope my class wins or they'll have my head.
I am finally over what happened to me....i got what i had been wishing for in a very long time and got it so now the pain's gone. It's a weird way to get a wish but i got it so that's what matters and in the best way possible in which i can change the surroundings any way i want to. I got it in a form of a....dream. 5 minutes was what i wanted and 5 minutes was what i got (i think). My wish was to spend 5 minutes with her one last time and got it in my dream and everything went on perfectly. Now those 5 minutes will be forever etched in my mind, never will i let it go.
I had a dream and it was about you....i smiled and i got the moments i wanted
then i noticed a tear fell from my eyes...you know why?
Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye....

5:14 PM

Always pay attention to your dreams. They're voices telling you what you already
know, whispering advice you haven't yet heeded.
I know, i post like once every blue moon. Weird, but i find it fun. So.....well currently i am in malaysia at port dickson,or what my sister and i call it: Dort Pickson. We are now at Kenny Rogers and thank god they have internet access available. Nothing much has happened, nobody has died yet(boring). Let's stop about the boring holiday.
Well on the last day of school, teachers piled us with plenty of homework (as usual). I know how late i am to talk about this but i guess better late than never. Too depressed to post all the homework.
There will be OPC training every week even during the june holidays. Well i guess it's good so that i can kkep my mind off about things that happened in school and i won't have to see _____ for an entire month. I hope it will be more than enough time for my to recover to get back on my feet.
Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

2:01 PM

One more thing, Georgia. Thanks for the advice, i didn't heed it and now i pay the price...

5:05 PM


I'm sure you guys who read my blog have fallen in love before. Most of it work out but mine...well let's just say it didn't turn out as well i planned it to. Why? Well i thought of that questions many days after we broke up and i think i found out that i was a jerk. i didn't even talk to her, how much more retarded can i get. I guess i fell, and i fell so hard the crack's going to take a lot longer than a while to heal. Some poems, this one's called Lost Love:
I loved you more than I have ever known
Those starry eyes
Those tender lips
You made my heart melt
Then boil into a roaring flame
I now know
What my eyes could not see
You are the only one that is for me
Many nights those tears flew
Being myself without anyone
Anyone to care about the thoughts
Looking at the sky and knowing
Many mistakes I had
Many mistakes I have had


4:54 PM

Today i had an NDP rehearsal, i just came back so i won't elaborate on what it is, all in all it was quite fun and tiring. The worst thing is that in the middle of the rehearsal, the instructor chose representatives from each school. Guess who was chosen, me, damn it. Anyway for Springfield Sec, two representatives were chosen so i'm alone. So we had to stand in the middle of the hall to show, the worst part is that i forgot everything the moment i was up there, seriously embarassing. You want to know how he called me? I was wearing my OPC t-shirt which was purple so he said: 'the one in purple'. So i acted blur and pretended to not know, I kept pointing to other OPC members who were wearing purple too. Somehow in the end, I was still pushed up. Damn. Well although that was a horrible experience it still showed that i was good. So It was good and bad. Well i have to go now.

8:35 PM

Well two days ago, i came home from my Sports Leader Camp. It might sound fun but it was tortures but still worth the endurance. After the whole thing was done, my batch became full-fledged sports leaders. They have an awesome t-shirt too. Also, there was a task given to my senior sports leaders. They were to look out for people who have potential to be a good sports leader and there could only be one person per group. My group, hope, had 4 seniors so of course all 4 of them were looking out. The person who they think has the potential were told to us at the end of the camp and guess who got selected, it is none other than me, Hamtaro. Well there were other people too in other groups but i forgot who they are. The other 4 groups are, friendship, friendly, excellence, harmony. All of these group names are values that Olympians should have. I felt so great when i completed the camp.

7:51 PM